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The Comprehensive Guide to The NHTD Waiver Program

The Comprehensive Guide to The NHTD Waiver Program

When it comes to the point of needing additional care to ensure well-being and safety, it can be hard to find an option that sits comfortably with us. We want independence but we need professional input. We want familiarity, but we need supervision.

We want things to stay the way they’ve always been, but we’re unable to do everything ourselves.

What is the NHTD Waiver Program?

The NHTD Waiver Program (Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Program) is a New York home and community-based program, geared to seniors who require a nursing home level of care but want to remain in their own homes and retain their independence. This is in contrast to CDPAP participants who require minimum home care or seniors needing full nursing home care.

The NHTD Waiver Program is designed to prevent individuals from transitioning to institutions and provide them with a comprehensive level of care services while allowing them to have significant input and flexibility in their health home care decisions.

The NHTD program also helps transition seniors from nursing home care back into a community setting.

The purpose of the program is to be responsible for individuals’ well-being and safety within the community while empowering individuals to make their own care choices.

Nursing homes cater to a more dependent audience while the NHTD program encourages participants to make independent decisions.

What Services Does the NHTD Waiver Program Provide?

Service Coordinator

The service coordinator is responsible for developing a personalized, tailored plan for participants, ensuring the services are meeting their individual needs.

Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)

This includes all basic activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, meal preparation, and more.

Community Transitional Services (CTS)

CTS is a part of the NHTD program that assists individuals in moving from a nursing home into their own place of residence within a community setting.

Skilled Nursing

This service is provided by a licensed nurse and includes medication management, wound care, and monitoring the individual’s health.

Benefits of the NHTD Program

With the NHTD Program, participants can:

  • Receive more hours of care
  • Access comprehensive services
  • Stay at home in a community setting

Determining Eligibility for the NHTD Program

In order to qualify to enroll in the NHTD Waiver Program you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Require a nursing home level of care
  • Enrolled with Medicaid (Not enrolled? We can help you with that.)
  • Aged 18-64 and are registered as having a physical disability OR aged 65+
  • Sign the Freedom of Choice form
  • Have an identified living arrangement

Insurance and Cost of the NHTD Program

The NHTD Program is a Medicaid-funded program. If you’re eligible for NHTD program services and enrolled with Medicaid, this program does not require you to pay any out-of-pocket fees.

How NHTD Works In Three Steps

1. Get in touch

First reach out to an agency that can help guide you through the process of joining the NHTD Waiver program, or contact a Medicaid service coordinator.

2. Assessment

Your eligibility for the program will be determined, based on your level of care needs, your age, and other factors. (See Eligibility). A competent service coordination agency can help you complete any documentation required.

3. Care coordination

If you’re found eligible, the agency service coordinator will develop a tailored care plan for you, working together with you, your family, and your service providers to ensure all aspects of your care are covered.

Americare Can Help

The NHTD Waiver Program allows seniors to age in a dignified, graceful manner, surrounded by their home comforts and the people they love, while receiving quality care from nursing-home-level professionals. This program emphasizes a person-centered approach and supports and encourages independence and involvement in crafting a tailored care plan.

At Americare, we simplify your journey to getting NHTD services in New York locations. We walk you through the process so there’s nothing you have to figure out alone.

Our services include:

  • Assisting with Medicaid enrollment
  • Assisting with the NHTD application
  • Assisting with determining eligibility
  • Providing a care coordinator
  • Personal home health aides
  • Training in independent living
  • Structured day program
  • Home safety modifications
  • Delivered meals
  • Community integration counseling
  • Assistive technology
  • Moving assistance
  • And more!

If you’re looking to join the NHTD Waiver program, or you’re a child looking on behalf of an elderly parent, reach out to Americare today and talk to a healthcare professional now.

Get Started With Americare

Written And Edited By: Americare Last Updated: February 20, 2024